Wednesday, September 30, 2009


So you'll have to excuse the major picture overload. These are my children you know!

Cute sleepy Tiger in the kitty bed.

Roxy enjoying the cat tree.

She figured out how to get into the window. She kinda half jumps up and then pulls herslef up the rest of the way.

Roxy decided she needed to get into the cat bed too... so she did :)

So she joined Tiger by climbing on top of her! Don't worry, Tiger got lots of kisses from Roxy for this.

And this is how they ended up sleeping.

Same as most kittens, Roxy discovered boxes. She loves boxes! Especially Mt. Dew boxes! She likes to stick her paws through the middle slit. Tiger enjoys watching Roxy from the outside and occassionaly plays with her and trys to keep her trapped in the box.

And Roxy decided my new helmet was a perfect place for a nap. Of course as soon as I grabbed my camera she woke up.

I was cleaning my scraproom and I had all the bins and paper out of my shelves. So naturally, Roxy thought it was a perfect spot to hang out.

And I got these new plastic bins for storing supplies in (they were going to toss them from work - aren't they just perfect!), and Roxy thinks they are the perfect size for sleeping in.

Cute closeup of Roxy in the bins - see those cute little paw pads!

I'm so sad Roxy is growing like a weed. :( She is going to be full grown before I know it! They need to invent some kind of shot to make her stay small or they need to invent minature cats. So I will enjoy her smallness while I can :)

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