The first day we headed up to Roughlock Falls and stopped at Latchstring Restaurant for some lunch. Yum! And look at the wonderful view! (That's the Restaurant at the base of the hill/mountain) It's actually a log building and while inside we actually noticed there was some water leaking inside. Adds some rustic charm huh?
That night, most of the group snowmobilied into Lead to eat at Louie's. A few of us rode into town in the Suburban instead... Visiting Louie's is quickly becoming a tradition on the trip, although next time we will go back on Friday night again for Trivia night... it's fun to play along.

Day 2 of snowmobiling we headed for the hills (west and north of Trailshead). It was a day of boondocking. Just boondocking. And it was super duper fun! I was exhausted by the end of the day, but it was worth it! I made my snowmobile do things I hadn't been able to do before! Yay! I turned corners I never thought I would be able to make and I learned how to use my left handed throttle. :)

This is what it looks like while the group is waiting for the all clear to climp up or down a hill... sometimes there is one just one path down or up, so you have to wait your turn.

Day 3 of snowmobiling. We spent most of the day playing in meadows south of Trailshead. First we weren't in deep enough meadows and I hit a tree stump. Oops! I broke the choke level off with my knee, bent the trailing arm and cracked part of the windshield. But, it was still drivable. Dad on the other hand, hit a stump and broke his steering rod. We had to go get the spare snowmobile for him to ride the rest of the day. Good thing we weren't far from Trailshead yet. We then went further south. We fould some untouched meadows which were super fun to ride in! They weren't super deep, so there wasn't much chance of getting too terribly stuck, but getting stuck was still a possiblity. Playing in deep meadows is sooo much fun though! I even had my snowmobile doinga partial cookie, but i don't have the strength to made it stay in such a tight turn for a long time.

Day 2 of snowmobiling we headed for the hills (west and north of Trailshead). It was a day of boondocking. Just boondocking. And it was super duper fun! I was exhausted by the end of the day, but it was worth it! I made my snowmobile do things I hadn't been able to do before! Yay! I turned corners I never thought I would be able to make and I learned how to use my left handed throttle. :)
One of the first places we stopped had this fun jump in the middle of the field. The boys spent awhile playing around on it.
This is what it looks like while the group is waiting for the all clear to climp up or down a hill... sometimes there is one just one path down or up, so you have to wait your turn.
We made lunch in the middle of a clearing somewhere in Wyoming. Thank goodness for GPS or we would just be wondering around the hills... well we were just wondering anywhere, but it isn't quite as aimless and without the GPS. Anyway, lunch was hotdogs over a fire we made in said clearing. We finally wondered up the backside of cement ridge then booked it back to Trailshead by dark to enjoy supper at the Lodge.
Day 3 of snowmobiling. We spent most of the day playing in meadows south of Trailshead. First we weren't in deep enough meadows and I hit a tree stump. Oops! I broke the choke level off with my knee, bent the trailing arm and cracked part of the windshield. But, it was still drivable. Dad on the other hand, hit a stump and broke his steering rod. We had to go get the spare snowmobile for him to ride the rest of the day. Good thing we weren't far from Trailshead yet. We then went further south. We fould some untouched meadows which were super fun to ride in! They weren't super deep, so there wasn't much chance of getting too terribly stuck, but getting stuck was still a possiblity. Playing in deep meadows is sooo much fun though! I even had my snowmobile doinga partial cookie, but i don't have the strength to made it stay in such a tight turn for a long time.
Here we are in one of the beautiful meadows!
Lunch was simply sandwiches in a clearing. After playing in more meadows, we headed to a warming hut to try to dry out our butts! The girls' were all wet. Then, we headed to Deerfield Lake Resort to refuel. We also enjoyed some yummy hot chocolate. By the time we left Deerfield Lake, the snow was coming down pretty good and it was getting hard to see on the trail as the sun was setting.
We hightailed it back to Trailshead. This was taken on our way back to the Lodge. Me and Dad :)
We spent the night in our cabins laughing and having a good time.
The next morning, on our way out of the hills, I snapped this picture I love. I love how beautiful the hills can be when covered with snow.
I didnt' take many pictures, but perhaps I will add some more posts as other on the trip start posting their pics.
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