Friday, March 9, 2012

Black Hills Snowmobiling 2012 - Day 3

Snowmobiling - Day 3. The most beautiful day we had out there. The sun was shining a majority of the day and it was gorgeous!

Here is a look at what the trails looked like - not that we actually rode the trails a lot, but they were sure pretty when we did. This is Jack - he's around 75 and he still makes the trips with us and does an awesome job at bringing up the rear. He is our 'sheep herder'. Always making sure all 19 of us are there and someone is not stuck somewhere off by themselves for a least too long.

See - gorgeous day out! Chris and me in front of my snowmobile. See the pelican box Chris attached to my snowmobile with me? Worked like a charm and I'm so glad he figured out how to attach it this year without using a bunch of bungee cords to hold it down. I was able to take my DSLR and 100-400mm lens attached to it in this baby.
Here is a typical meadow on Saturday. People everywhere and a lot of people stuck. I think this is the meadow that we were all stuck in at some point. It was so much fun, but a lot of work!
We made a little place off the trail to have lunch and the boys built a fire. Some of us had hot dogs and some of us sandwiches. Yum! (as you can see, the fire is always big)

Action shot of Chris riding his new (to him) RMK. It's too bad he was having engine problems on this trip. His brand new rebuilt crank went bad, and surprisingly his snowmobile kept pulling itself along.
Another fun meadow. Very typical again. I think half the people in this picture are stuck. The other half are either laughing at them or helping them get unstuck.

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